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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

By entering in our online store ( online customers must accept our terms of use and privacy policy. Visitors and guests who want to became registered members are also obliged to fill the fields of our Registration form.  The fields which are compulsory for registration are the following:

  • Full Name
  • Address
  • Zip Code
  • City-District
  • Country
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email Address.

And for business customers:

  • Company Name
  • Occupation
  • VAT ID
  • End User or B2B account

The above details are necessary for a customer’s order to be processed by our online store, and our company, Waveform Networks Cyprus LTD will keep these details only for business purposes.

Our online store will never keep sensitive payment data from its customers such as credit card numbers, security codes or other information which can cause economic harassment if used by third parties.

By the time a customer creates its personal or business account in our online store, is able to access, change and correct the information first declared at the registration form whenever he considers it is necessary. Each customer who changes its details should send us an e-mail at so as to confirm that these changes were made known to Iotech. Besides all our members can change their first choice to accept our terms and policy whenever they want. All Iotech’s registered members must have only one web account which is connected with our ERP software. All registered members guarantee and take responsibility for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal information they have provide when registering on Waveform’s website.

Iotech LTD wants to reassure all the visitors, guests and members of its online store that all the transactions that take place in webpage are safe. Iotech’s webpage uses secure protocol HTTPS which is the official standard for encryption and authentication. Furthermore, Iotech LTD reassures all its customers that the establishments of its physical store are safe and secure and the company has developed all the necessary and legal rules in order to keep safe all the personal data that are processed by its processed by its Information Technology systems such as servers, workstations and databases. 

Visitors, guests and any registered member of our company may choose whether they wish to subscribe to the company’s newsletter by choosing the specific check box at the registration form. Iotech’s newsletter will usually inform the subscribed members for new products and special offers through promotion-information mail at their declared e-mail address. Iotech shall not misuse the above service. Furthermore, all subscribed members are able to unsubscribe from the newsletter mailing list at any time.

Cookies: Cookies are short text files stored on a user’s device (such as a computer, tablet or phone) by a website. Iotech uses Cookies for the technical functioning of its website or for gathering statistics. Guests and users of our online store should agree to the use of cookies by clicking Accept at the specific text that appears on our home page when they visit Iotech’s webpage for the first-time. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Without cookies, our company would not be able to offer you important services for example simplicity at your shopping cart, your order procession or your ability to keep products of your choice between two live sessions. The only code kept (in our online store) by cookies is the customer’s code, for further identification in its future sessions.