Milesight Quantifies the Values of IoT for Poultry Farming

Quality and safety of broilers are always as main concern for consumers and affect the strategic future of poultry industry. According to research, chickens are mostly hardy but can be brought low by confinement, poor air quality, darkness, poultry diseases and related problems. Considering all analysis on well productive meat chicken grow-out houses, an indoor controlled and monitored environment is definitely necessary for farmers.
Milesight delivers an animal poultry solution based on IoT and LoRaWAN technology. To alleviate the negative effects associated with indoor broilers housing environment, Milesight unlocks technological capanilities of the IoT and enables the flexible wireless connectivity with presenting a solution consisting LoRaWAN Gateway, LoRaWAN Sensors and IoT Platform.
The LoRaWAN based system tackles a number of pressing challenges. It is designed to solve unique and complex remote monitoring challenges by combining efficient wireless sensors and gateways to perform industry-leading monitoring, real-time reporting and instant alerts.